Develop your business at international level

These values represent BUSINESS OVERSEAS’s identity :



Integrity means we distinguish the truth from the forgery and defend the truth. We share our convictions with our customers without compromise on intellectual integrity.  We are an independent consulting company



Respect of individuals

We take into account the capacities and wishes of our staff and every person working with us as well…customers, pears,  suppliers, clients, competitors … We believe that a sane and collegial atmosphere contributes to the continuous creativity and quality of work.



The customer first

Our success can be measured with our customer’s success. All our resources are proposed to our customers for focalizing on the work and the success of the project. We take the time to understand the needs of our customers in order to meet their interest before ours



A global strategic thinking

We work at obtaining results with strong added value to our customers. We consider the business world as a whole, as a system with competition as motor, a dynamic process. We try to integrate strategy, organization, operations, information in our thinking in order to improve the relevance of our advices.



Working together with the customer

We try to create an environment promoting the integration our customer in the working team. The customer must take part to the seeking of solutions. We promote the sharing of experience and knowledge with our customers and our actions results in changes. We aspire to sharing our knowledge with the customers



Extend the scope of “possible” area

We try to give ambition and visionary perspectives to our customers. Each customer is unique and we believe that innovative ideas can produce real results for our clients.  We believe our contribution could improve the state of art in purchasing management, and these actions could contribute to a better world

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